I am lost in a strange concotion of spanners,lube oil,coveralls,pink nail paint,purple shoes,mauve bra,red higlights and cream scarves in a city were my hair doesn't frizz out and my jacket never comes off[except when i've downed too many jimbeams,jackcokes,sauvignons,sparkiles or any consummable R-OH]!!
nope i am not a truck mechanic[like a few say]neither am a child-slut in coveralls like one other says[i am allowed to have carnal needs since i have all d hormonal glands intact]..am just a labrat,a lab geologist who is sucking mother earth's bosom dry of oil and lubricates the rest of the world..well asia pacific atleast!
Its strange how when i leave from home,i have my kohl and earrings intacts..by the morning tea break i transform into this horrendous nicotine addict kicking the boys with her size 6 indian stell cap shoes!
When i get home,i douse my mushrooms n white wine,marinated my chicken in beer mustard and then eat in silent gluttony!
well,i enjoy being lost like this..after all it is my bread,butter,.............jam,ham,cheese,baco,coffee,cigarttes and vodka aye???
nope i am not a truck mechanic[like a few say]neither am a child-slut in coveralls like one other says[i am allowed to have carnal needs since i have all d hormonal glands intact]..am just a labrat,a lab geologist who is sucking mother earth's bosom dry of oil and lubricates the rest of the world..well asia pacific atleast!
Its strange how when i leave from home,i have my kohl and earrings intacts..by the morning tea break i transform into this horrendous nicotine addict kicking the boys with her size 6 indian stell cap shoes!
When i get home,i douse my mushrooms n white wine,marinated my chicken in beer mustard and then eat in silent gluttony!
well,i enjoy being lost like this..after all it is my bread,butter,.............jam,ham,cheese,baco,coffee,cigarttes and vodka aye???
its the way to live sweety!!
ReplyDeleteLke this frnd of mine once told me... "Abby, I like you coz ur a girl without the side-effects of being a girl". hehe... But then, its not all perfect...but still... lke i sed, its the only way to live!
ha ha..love what your friend says...so apt and so U...i would like to believe it applies to me too..but again i dont want to steal your thunder..ha ha..wishes were horses aye